Flower Research

The method we use to carry out flower mapping can be applied to a wide variety of plants.

Stage A

Stage B

Stage C


Flower mapping provides growers with more certainty about the quality of material being offered for sale. In addition growers and their consultants can use research results to take measures that will enable them to better respond to the charac­ter­istics of the plants during cultivation.


Propag­ators are keen to know the devel­opment status of their plants. The inform­ation that Planta­logica offers can — if necessary —  be used to steer the devel­opment of the plant to a desired outcome.

At the same time propag­ators can use flower mapping at the end of the propagation period to determine the final result. For straw­berries, for example, this can provide an indic­ation of the potential number of trusses.


Breeders can commission research into the charac­ter­istics of their new varieties. For example, in how far they are suitable for particular cultiv­ation objectives such as a short harvesting period or a longer period for everbearing varieties that thus produce throughout the year.

By monit­oring varieties over time it is possible to determine differ­ences in devel­opment patterns. Furthermore differ­ences in the trans­ition from veget­ative (leaf formation) to the gener­ative (flower formation) come to light in this way.

Advisors and Marketing organisations

On the basis of flower mapping, advisors can provide inform­ation on propagation, the acquis­ition and sale of plants as well as their cultivation.

Compre­hensive flower mapping enables marketing organ­iz­a­tions to provide their growers with advice and in this way enables them to optimise supply planning.

Want to know more about our research?

Contact Planta­logica.


Planta­logica BV
Nieuwe Kazer­nelaan 2‑D42
6711 JC Ede
The Nether­lands

Contact details

+31 6 15 47 86 14

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